Weekly Check in for November 12th

Hello Team,

At home meets spectators  must not stand in front of the stands or in front of the the doorway. I know it is crowded but swimmers and judges must have the walkway free and for safety reasons the doorway must be clear. It would help if  those sitting did not store purses, swim bags, drinks… on the seats. Leave them in cars, in the locker, with the swimmers or under the seats. We are looking to find ways to provide more seating.

Nashua was a WIN and we had a tie against Waltham. We had a tie in that we each won 2 age divisions and tied the last. The tie breaker was also a tie; however, we had the most points overall.

The DQ sheets went out into folders. Please make sure you and your swimmer read the note and if you are unsure what it means please come see me, Nikita or Joe to review. Dqs happen, but the swimmers need to know what they did to learn from it.

We had a lot of disqualifications over our breaststroke kick and pull so we will revisit it as a focus this week. Please remind your swimmers the feet must turn out and that we achieve that by turning the knees out (turning the feet without the knees can damage the knees). Also,  in breaststroke the hands cannot go past the chest while stroking.

Please watch the following video with  your swimmer:

Reminder, you must volunteer at two home meets during the season.

Please do not sign up for a position if you cannot fulfill the entire meet.

Email: Occasionally emails go out to the whole team that I think were directed at me. Below are the two two team email addresses to make sure you direct emails where you would like them.

Email address to email the entire team: seawolvesbbgc@googlegroups.com
Email address to email just me: seawolvesbbgc@gmail.com

Team Contact List: We are offering a Team Contact list. Families may opt in to be, or not to be, on the contact list.  Information collected on the below sign up will be emailed to the team. Please do not share this list outside of the team. There are several items to fill in, feel free to fill in only the ones you would want share with the rest of the team. Also feel free not to participate at all! The sign up will be open until November 19th so that I may include it in the Weekly Check In for the week of the 20th.

Follow the link if you would like to included in the Team Contact List:
Sick for the Meet: What to do?
Email me at seawolvesbbgc@gmail.com with “Sick Swimmer: (Name)” in the subject line two hours before start date. . Please do not call, text, tell someone on deck…
You be the Coach!: You must register selections by 6 pm tonight.

The event must be in their age group (sorry 15-18s: no 25 free for you!) and we will not offer the 500 as an option as this is an away meet and we are not sure if the other team will offer it.

To register a selection please go to: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e4aa8a82ba2fc1-youbethe

Practice Schedule Updates:
There will be no practice on:
Wednesday 11/22 - Sunday 11/26 for Thanksgiving, practices resume 11/27.
Sunday 12/24 - 1/2 for the Holiday Break, practice resumes 1/3/18.

There will be no video training on Friday 11/17 but there will be practice starting at 5 pm.

Meet Information and Requests: Must be in by 6 pm tonight: https://www.billericabgc.com/meet-information

Caps: If you purchased a team cap, they are available for pickup in the pool office.

Nationals: Requests to compete at Nationals have now closed for the 2018 competition. Those who entered a letter of intent will be notified by early January if they have qualified.

Team Gift: If you have not picked up yours, please stop by the pool office. Please ask for assistance in retrieving yours- do not just find yours and take it as we are tracking who has picked up.

Blog: You can reference all old team emails at https://seawolvesbbgc.blogspot.com/

Thank you,

Coach Carol
