Calling all Sea Wolves Seniors!
Every year I worry that I might miss a senior because if they are not 17 at the start of the season I might not realize they are graduating. Below is a list of seniors that I know of, please email me if you should be on the list but are not (your senior gift is on the line here!).
Also all seniors please email me the following:
sweatshirt size
name prefer to have on a sweatshirt (first, last, nickname?)
start year (a 2012 coach who shall remain nameless, but was not me, lost all of our team data so we can't tell the start year of anyone who started before 2012)
Also, this year there will be five $500 scholarships available to graduating seniors from our league who are going on to college. The application will be emailed out as soon as it becomes available and will be announced at sectionals.
Jessica Wagner
Renee Sutherland
Hollie Lane-Smith
Alisha Lerra
Troy Eakman
Thank you,
Coach Carol
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